Big Buck 411 Blog

State Trooper Fells 190” in MO

State Trooper Fells 190” in MO

By Patrick Dunning

I can’t say I’ve ever had a story fall right into my lap like this one did.  I was in Missouri last week visiting my mom and sister’s family and was fortunate to sneak in a couple hunts on public land while I was there. I didn’t have any luck but got to bear the heat and bugs and see plenty of deer.  About th... READ MORE

The Early Bird Gets the Buck!

The Early Bird Gets the Buck!

By Patrick Dunning

Buckmasters Master Scorer Lori Hughes is already tagged out for Ohio’s 2023-24 season, having just taken the state’s #4 spot among women in BTR’s semi-irregular category for crossbow after harvesting this 15-point stud in Marion County.   The Ohio Division of Wildlife named Wyandot, Hardin and Marion counties as CWD surveil... READ MORE

2023 Velvet Stud on KY Public Ground

2023 Velvet Stud on KY Public Ground

By Patrick Dunning

Jake’s Kentucky buck is the first deer of the Big Buck 411 Blog’s 2023-2024 season, and rightfully so. He’s a self-taught, self-proclaimed newbie in the dark arts of bow hunting with just two years of experience under his belt. Jake must be living right, because he’s managed to find success lately and has two trophies to be ... READ MORE

200” Bama Buck Biggest at Buckmasters’ 2023 Expo

200” Bama Buck Biggest at Buckmasters’ 2023 Expo

By Patrick Dunning

Joey Towers almost didn’t pack his deer mount in the truck before driving to the Buckmasters Expo last month, but we’re sure glad he did. BTR Director Emeritus Mike Handley measured 194 2/8 inches of antler and 25 scoreable points on this freak of a buck from Chilton County, Alabama, which drew a lot of eyes after it was displayed ... READ MORE

IL Buck New County Record

IL Buck New County Record

By Patrick Dunning

All those years managing the deer population and timber stands on his 250-acre farm in Illinois finally paid dividends for John Wilson in November 2022. “It’s the biggest deer I’ve taken off the farm. We’ve been trying to manage and harvest this caliber of deer and it paid off,” John told Buckmasters. “We le... READ MORE

Bluegrass Shooter Buck

Bluegrass Shooter Buck

By Patrick Dunning

Lifelong New Yorker Robert Smith Jr. made the nine-hour drive to Kentucky for the last four days of the state’s 2022 muzzleloader season and harvested his first out-of-state buck with an outfit in Washington County. “I’ve always wanted to go hunting in Kentucky; it’s become a state with a lot of big deer,” Robert ... READ MORE

168" Hoosier on Public Land

168" Hoosier on Public Land

By Patrick Dunning

Bow hunting, like baseball, is a game of failure. Major-league hitters with .300 batting averages fail 70% of their at-bats and still enjoy careers worthy of Cooperstown. Going full draw on a late-season buck can feel a lot like guarding the plate with the bases loaded and a two-strike count in the bottom of the 9th. And whiffing that arrow can fe... READ MORE

KS Strip Mine Buck

KS Strip Mine Buck

By Patrick Dunning

Buckmasters scorer Doug Walden arrowed his biggest buck to date last October in an 80-acre coal reserve. The 5x5 stud from Kansas is Cherokee County’s largest compound-felled whitetail in BTR’s perfect category, besting the previous county record from 1995, also held by Doug, by 6 inches. Doug had little history with this 10-pointer but... READ MORE

No. 1 Bow Buck in GA

No. 1 Bow Buck in GA

By Patrick Dunning

Manny Kaloyannide’s record buck from October 2018 graced the cover of Georgia Outdoor News’ July 2023 issue and reigns as the state’s largest compound-felled whitetail in BTR’s perfect category. The 10-pointer from Dekalb County is also the second largest perfect harvested in the state by any weapon. Manny received a trail-... READ MORE

My Pronouns Are White and Tail

My Pronouns Are White and Tail

By Patrick Dunning

Justin Buchanan’s Crawford County 14-pointer made rounds in outdoor media because of the Georgia whitetail’s rack and apparent lack of male reproductive organs. After a thorough check while field-dressing the deer, and a second opinion from his taxidermist, Buchanan was convinced the animal was an antlered doe. “There was no sign ... READ MORE

New VA Record from 1971

New VA Record from 1971

By Patrick Dunning

I spend a considerable amount of time thumbing through scoresheets looking for the story-worthy whitetails, which wouldn’t be possible without our Buckmasters scorers throughout the country promoting BTR’s scoring system and volunteering their time to measure antlers. A 197” Virginia giant from 1971 turned up at the inaugural Sta... READ MORE

Better To Be Lucky Than Good

Better To Be Lucky Than Good

By Patrick Dunning

Carl Lucky III didn't have an answer when his grandsons, 12 and 10 years old, asked him if he ever killed a giant buck, would he holler? "I said, 'Luke, I don't know that I would, that's not really my personality. I've been excited about killing nice deer before but never screamed and hollered.'" After harvesting Missouri's seventh largest compo... READ MORE

259" in Ohio

259" in Ohio

By Patrick Dunning

18-year-old Carson Putnam has been on a roll the last couple of years, claiming Ohio's #1 spot in BTR's Centerfire Rifle category after harvesting this 33-pointer in November 2021 that's truly one of a kind, and a 184-inch mainframe 5x5 in 2022 that he's even more proud of. Carson's state record from Ross County has a compact frame with an 8 1/8 i... READ MORE

New No. 1 in KS

New No. 1 in KS

By Patrick Dunning

On top of being the state’s new #1 compound-felled buck in BTR’s perfect category, Joshua Trolinger’s public-land giant is the third-largest perfect harvested in Kansas by any weapon and the sixth-largest perfect worldwide by compound bow. Joshua discovered this world-class whitetail in November 2022 and had it within 40 yards fou... READ MORE

Massive Kansas Deadhead

Massive Kansas Deadhead

By Patrick Dunning

14-year-old Bryson Allen found a massive 238-inch Kansas deadhead on May 18 while fishing Clarks Creek with friends. Although the young man hasn’t harvested a buck with his bow yet, he’s happy to know big ones like this one exist in the area. Buckmasters scorer Brad Forbus measured the Morris County Monster at 238 5/8 inches for BTR. Th... READ MORE

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