
Field Shooting Effectively

Field Shooting Effectively

By Ron Spomer

When your target of opportunity knocks, you need to answer in seconds. Greg was as enthusiastic as an 8-year-old on Christmas morning. His first pronghorn hunt! He had a new .257 Weatherby Magnum with a Zeiss scope that could shoot a country mile. Back home on the bench, he was punching sub-MOA groups with 115-grain Barnes Tipped Triple Shocks. No...


Recent GunHunter Features

Belly Down for Accuracy
Belly Down for Accuracy

By Clair Rees

Prone isn’t the fastest shooting position – nor is it always practical, but it’s by far the steadiest. Photo: When shooting from prone in mountain country, a backpack adds steadiness. It was a wild, exhausting stalk. Guide... READ MORE

The Reliable R1
The Reliable R1

By Larry Teague

Most hunters know Benelli for its semiauto shotguns, but there’s a dependable big game gun in the lineup. Not all Texas deer hunting involves taking animals attracted to feeder corn or shooting monster bucks behind high fences. There... READ MORE

Chronograph Reliability
Chronograph Reliability

By John Haviland

Many variables can affect velocity readings. Here’s how to set up for best results. Photo: Setting up a chronograph so bullets pass straight and about 6 inches over the top of the photo sensors helps produce precise readings. A chrono... READ MORE

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