Tips and Tactics

Better Food Plotting Starts Now

Better Food Plotting Starts Now

By Mark Melotik

Some deer hunters in search of quality hunting land decide to take the plunge and purchase a plot specifically for hunting. And one of the first things they want to do upon stepping foot onto their new property is establish a food plot or two. While most food plotting begins in earnest in mid summer — to prep deer-attracting plots for hunting...


Recent Tips and Tactics

Ratchet Straps: a Deer Hunter’s Best Friend
Ratchet Straps: a Deer Hunter’s Best Friend

By Mark Melotik

Safety should be every treestander’s biggest concern, and now is a good time to think about on how safely you hunted last fall and how you can improve in 2025. A good start? Always keep a ratchet strap in your pack and/or a few in your vehicle in case you need to quick... READ MORE

Hog Hunting Can Improve Your Success with Deer
Hog Hunting Can Improve Your Success with Deer

By Mark Melotik

For many avid deer hunters a new year means new challenges and adventures. One I highly recommend, especially for those who hunt primarily from treestands and blinds, is making the commitment to take a buck by still-hunting. And maybe the best part is you can begin practicin... READ MORE

Try a Thumb-Trigger Release
Try a Thumb-Trigger Release

By Mark Melotik

Were you happy with your bowhunting accuracy last fall using a standard index-finger release aid? If not, I have a suggestion: Try a thumb-trigger release. This has been my hunting release of choice for the past 15 years or so, and right after the switch from my previous fav... READ MORE

Why To Prep Bad-Weather Stands
Why To Prep Bad-Weather Stands

By Mark Melotik

When most die-hard whitetailers think of ideal hunting conditions, I’d guess most would picture a cool, crisp autumn day some time in the late pre-rut, a period when mature bucks are finally getting on their feet and moving consistently in daylight. Classic conditions ... READ MORE

Shed Season
Shed Season

By Marina Childress

Spring will soon arrive, and if you’re a deer hunter (and even if you’re not), it’s a great time to try shed hunt-ing. Each winter after all the whitetail bucks drop their antlers, those beautiful works of nature’s art lie on the floor of forests and ... READ MORE

Plant a Scrape Tree This Spring
Plant a Scrape Tree This Spring

By Mark Melotik

Build it, and they will come. For hunt-savvy land managers, creating and maintaining deer-attracting food plots on private tracts has never been more popular. That’s because a well-constructed plot planted in the right area and with the right seed mix can draw deer fro... READ MORE

Late-Winter Scouting: See the Big Picture
Late-Winter Scouting: See the Big Picture

By Mark Melotik

During the past hunting season, many of us obsessed over smartly accessing our chosen stand sites, religiously checking wind direction to pinpoint the best routes in and out to avoid spooking deer. In the process, we were likely exposed to just a fraction of our hunt areas. ... READ MORE

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