Big Buck 411 Blog

Shoot Happens!

Shoot Happens!

By Patrick Dunning

Twenty-year-old Brett Petitt had all but thrown in the towel on his 2022-23 deer season. In every encounter he had with a mature deer, it either wouldn't come within bow range or, if it did, he missed. In fact, in December, he loosed three arrows in a 90-second span, completely missing a confused 10-pointer. "I thought I hit him, but he jumped into... READ MORE

190-inch Pa. Public Land Buck

190-inch Pa. Public Land Buck

By Patrick Dunning

Ronald Bencinic's 190-inch 7x7 with double drop tines is the second-largest whitetail ever felled in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, according to Buckmasters Trophy Records. Ronald got it done during a downpour on public land in December 2022. "I knew there was a big buck in the area," Ronald told Buckmasters. "I noticed some huge rubs for three str... READ MORE

Every Inch Adds Up

Every Inch Adds Up

By Patrick Dunning

Kyle Woodruff's September 2022 buck is Benton County's new #1 and the fourth largest whitetail taken with a crossbow (any category) in Arkansas, according to Buckmasters Trophy Records. Kyle and his brother are self-proclaimed trophy hunters who target mature, 4 1/2-year-old deer and hunt properties, large and small, urban or rural, around the nort... READ MORE

Big Indy Buck Down

Big Indy Buck Down

By Patrick Dunning

Luck. Fate. Whatever you want to call it, Grant Seitz was in the right place at the right time, twice in two days. He saw this 20-point buck midday from the road in November 2021, grazing in a 60-acre field of unpicked corn on his uncle’s property in Martin County, Indiana. Grant had never seen the deer before, or anything close to its caliber in t... READ MORE

198" Felled in Arkansas

198" Felled in Arkansas

By Patrick Dunning

Stella Sims holds Arkansas' #7 spot in BTR's irregular category for compound bow after felling this 198 7/8-inch bruiser of a buck last November, and it's the largest white-tailed deer (all categories) taken with a compound bow by a woman, ever, in The Natural State. The 18-pointer sports a 21-inch inside spread, and its left antler's typical point... READ MORE

Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky

Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky

By Patrick Dunning

Twenty-two-year-old Dawson Mashburn was at the beach celebrating the 4th of July with family friends last year when he received a photo of this Kentucky whitetail in velvet and he noticed its right beam was beginning to split. "I got down there a little late, so I ended up on the couch,"Dawson said. "About 7 a.m. the following morning, July 3rd, I'... READ MORE

Retro Recurve Buck Is Ohio Runner-Up

Retro Recurve Buck Is Ohio Runner-Up

By Patrick Dunning

Twenty-six years ago, in a world before cell cameras or cell phones with cameras, then 38-year-old Tim Ritchie harvested Ohio’s second biggest perfect buck ever taken with a recurve bow (BTR). And he had no idea about the buck’s status until March 2023. He had his mount measured by an official B&C scorer at an expo in 1998, met the ... READ MORE

Aim Small, Miss Small

Aim Small, Miss Small

By Patrick Dunning

Alexander Rahmoeller may not be old enough to drive, but he's old enough to hunt, and therefore old enough to etch his name in BTR's record book. The 14-year-old's third whitetail ever claimed Indiana's #4 spot in the semi-irregular category for centerfire rifle deer on opening weekend of his state's 2022 rifle season. And he made it happen all by ... READ MORE

A Bittersweet Ohio Deadhead

A Bittersweet Ohio Deadhead

By Patrick Dunning

In January 2022, Stephanie Barber shot what would have been Ohio’s #2 overall semi-irregular in the blackpowder category, and the #1 semi-irregular felled by a female in Ohio. That is if she recovered and placed her tag on the whitetail during the state’s deer season. Stephanie got a crack at this world-class buck at 105 yards with her ... READ MORE

200-Inch State Record Taken on Fort Knox

200-Inch State Record Taken on Fort Knox

By Patrick Dunning

For the past two years, Kentucky state trooper Colt Stumbo has tagged along with his buddies for a quota gun hunt on Fort Knox’s military reservation in Hardin County. More than half of the U.S. Treasury’s gold reserves are located on Fort Knox, so gaining access to hunt the installation involves a lot of red tape. But once you’re... READ MORE

Kansas Shed Measures 100 Inches!

Kansas Shed Measures 100 Inches!

By Patrick Dunning

Now is the perfect time to be in the woods scouting for next season, and while you're at it, maybe you'll come across another kind of treasure. Last month, U.S. Army Sergeant Jacob Massey found a 100-inch irregular left-side shed antler while on his lunch break on Fort Riley's military installation in Geary County, Kansas. To kill time and be produ... READ MORE

202 Reasons to Smile

202 Reasons to Smile

By Patrick Dunning

Your first deer is often the most memorable whether it has antlers or not. You remember where you were, who was there and how excited it made you feel. It's like being baptized in water, and almost as spiritual of a moment. The only thing better than getting your first deer is being there for someone else's first. If that isn't a special bond, how ... READ MORE

No. 1 Whitetail in Kansas

No. 1 Whitetail in Kansas

By Patrick Dunning

When row crop farmer Darin Williams realized he had a world-class buck passing through the back of his Coffey County farm in June 2022, he figured his best bet at harvesting the deer was if he gave it a reason to stay. Darin now holds his home state’s #1 spot in BTR’s irregular category for crossbow-taken bucks by 7 inches, which puts h... READ MORE

First Buck During an East Wind

First Buck During an East Wind

By Patrick Dunning

63-year-old David Linn started deer hunting six years ago in management areas and reservoirs near Gas City, Indiana. He went six seasons without filling a doe or buck tag but kept at it after falling in love with the beauty and peace of being in the woods. He had an opportunity with his bow this year to harvest an 8-pointer, misjudged the distance ... READ MORE

Buckeye Beauty

Buckeye Beauty

By Patrick Dunning

Jake Whiteman isn't out to etch his name in a record book, and until Ohio's 2022 shotgun opener he was a self-proclaimed freezer filler. Does, button bucks, it didn't matter. If it was brown, it was down. Now, the Ohio native has 210 reasons to let the little guys grow and potentially create memories for other hunters, not to mention one heck of an... READ MORE

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