Big Buck 411 Blog

The Moral: Stay Out Until the Wind is Right

The Moral: Stay Out Until the Wind is Right

By Mike Handley

Tom Allen likes to nickname the whitetails on his Most Wanted list. There was Hollywood, who liked to mug for trail cameras, and Girth Brooks, whose rack carried 42 inches of mass. In 2023 and 2024, he was chasing Zeus. “This deer was like the god of the woods,” grinned the 34-year-old heavy equipment operator from Lore City, Ohio... READ MORE

Where There’s a Will …

Where There’s a Will …

By Mike Handley

As is almost always the case, 12-year-old Myka Coleman spotted the buck before her father, Mitch, saw it. Her dad has come to recognize the sharp intakes of breath and sometimes squeaks whenever his daughter wants attention. She cannot tell him, “There’s a deer,” so she settles for what can only be explained as a vocalized excla... READ MORE

Nearly 225 Inches of Gristle

Nearly 225 Inches of Gristle

By Mike Handley

An avowed meat hunter made short work of christening his new bow during Iowa’s 2024 archery season, taking home venison with gristle that can be measured in inches. Knoxville bowhunter Jon Pierce might’ve hoped to connect with a giant whitetail he and one of his sons had spotted that summer, but he would’ve settled for far less... READ MORE

Hunting Naked, Unintentionally

Hunting Naked, Unintentionally

By Mike Handley

While some people might have nightmares about addressing a full classroom or coworkers while butt-naked, Tony Brown is more apt to dream about facing a distant buck without a grunt call in his possession. Only Tony’s dream actually happened last season. While eyeballing what very well could’ve been the biggest whitetail known to exis... READ MORE

Why Mom-in-law’s Christmas Party Started Late

Why Mom-in-law’s Christmas Party Started Late

By Mike Handley

Brandy Nedolast got her Christmas present three days early in 2024, and it wasn’t even wrapped. Until afterward, for the freezer. On Sunday, Dec. 22, the last day of Ohio’s rifle season, the 31-year-old maintenance clerk and her husband, Nathan, decided to spend the remains of the day in a deer stand before taking their three children... READ MORE

Fake News

Fake News

By Mike Handley

Word travels fast among deer hunters, but the news, while plausible, isn’t always reliable. When Carson Heskett and his childhood friend Reid Hopson heard that a bodacious buck had been hit by a car close to where Reid hunts, they assumed the deer two years at the top of his wish list was no longer in the offing. Death by Ford would certai... READ MORE

Never a Dull Moment

Never a Dull Moment

By Mike Handley

Basketball legend Michael Jordan once said, “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, (and) others make it happen.” A group of deer hunters in Crawford County, Ohio, has adopted the latter as their mantra, and they gained a new convert in 2024. Kendall Adkinson joined his girlfriend’s father’s group of fri... READ MORE

Making Hay While School’s Out

Making Hay While School’s Out

By Mike Handley

Fourteen-year-old Hunter Windsor needs an eighth day of the week whenever he’s aching to trade football and baseball gear for camouflage. The high school freshman from West Portsmouth, Ohio, otherwise finds little time to indulge his love of deer hunting. “I don’t get to hunt as much as other people do,” he laments. Th... READ MORE

Impromptu Hunt Yields More Than Jerky

Impromptu Hunt Yields More Than Jerky

By Mike Handley

Prior to Nov. 23, Josh Edwards’ sons regarded deer hunting as little more than a very slim chance to shoot something bigger than the small game inhabiting the five acres surrounding their home in Fairland, Indiana. Now, every time the family passes a copse of trees, the youngest pleads for his father to stop and ask the landowner for permi... READ MORE

The Not-Squirrel That Didn’t Get Away

The Not-Squirrel That Didn’t Get Away

By Mike Handley

Chase Aldridge spent more time looking at deer he couldn’t shoot than the one that wound up taking his arrow on Nov. 2. The professional dirt mover from New Albany, Indiana, was with his father, Chad, that Saturday. Their stands were a half-mile apart, and they were in place maybe 30 minutes before the sun rose over Clark County. Chase ... READ MORE

The Proper Way to Christen New Hunting Ground

The Proper Way to Christen New Hunting Ground

By Mike Handley

Impatience rarely rewards deer hunters, but Toby Biehler’s antsiness saved him $200 last month. The 53-year-old contractor from Herington, Kansas, shot the buck at the top of his Most Wanted list on the morning of Nov. 16, only to watch it rocket away for at least 70 yards as if it had been launched by the bowstring instead of an arrow. ... READ MORE

Priorities, Priorities, Priorities

Priorities, Priorities, Priorities

By Mike Handley

Soon after Jesse Watson settled into his ground blind on Wednesday, Nov. 20, his wife sent him a text, reminding him they were supposed to drive to Kansas City to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday that weekend. Unwilling to commit, he fired off a reply: “Look, I’m not a father, a husband or a basketball coach until this deer... READ MORE

Near-State-Record Buck Causes Whiplash In Kentucky

Near-State-Record Buck Causes Whiplash In Kentucky

By Mike Handley

David Whitaker might be responsible for a man’s wearing a neck brace in Jackson County, Kentucky, but it’s doubtful an insurance claim will be filed. True, the 60-year-old deer hunter from Berea could’ve used a WIDE LOAD banner across the back of his four-wheeler on Nov. 12, but with or without that designation, nobody would&rs... READ MORE

Little Mossy Horns Sets County Record in Ohio

Little Mossy Horns Sets County Record in Ohio

By Mike Handley

Alex Wright wasn’t surprised when his uncle said he couldn’t hunt where a trail camera had photographed the obscenely huge buck the man had reluctantly passed up twice. The 35-year-old tire builder from Stryker, Ohio, had been monitoring the deer for three years. Trail cam images revealed it was a 12-pointer with matching kickers in ... READ MORE

A World-Record Crown Without Jewels

A World-Record Crown Without Jewels

By Mike Handley

The Indiana buck Seth Hernandez shot with his crossbow on Oct. 29 had antlers to spare, but no change in its purse. Not that the deer hunter nor the three dozen friends who ogled it at his home spent much time looking underneath the new world record. The first clue this was no ordinary buck was its 284-inch rack. The second indicator was the ant... READ MORE

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