Big Buck 411 Blog

Too ... Make That Three ... Perfect

Too ... Make That Three ... Perfect

By Kenneth Piper

The bucks we’re highlighting this week aren’t going to break any records, but they are great examples of how some really special deer don’t get the recognition they deserve. We don’t normally talk about bucks scoring under 180 in the BB411, but three bucks came across my desk this week that caught my eye because of their ...


Recent Big Buck 411 Blogs

Deja Vu All Over Again
Deja Vu All Over Again

By Kenneth Piper

Virginia bowhunter is having a season for the ages. If Christian Howes had stopped hunting on Aug. 24, he already would have had a great season. Traveling to Tennessee from his home state of Virginia to catch one of the earliest bow o... READ MORE

2024 Could Be a Banner Year
2024 Could Be a Banner Year

By Mark Melotik

The 2024 deer is off to an incredible start, largely we’re told thanks to a cold front that chilled things in Kentucky for its traditional bow opener. If you ever wanted proof that cooler weather encourages buck movement in late summe... READ MORE

A Giant Second Chance
A Giant Second Chance

By Mark Melotik

Now you see him, now you don’t. That quaint phrase more or less describes John Egan Griffith’s bowhunt for one of the most-impressive mainframe 8-point bucks ever taken, a buck Griffith would finally anchor last Oct. 15, followi... READ MORE

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