Recent Big Buck 411 Blogs
Where There’s a Will …
By Mike Handley
As is almost always the case, 12-year-old Myka Coleman spotted the buck before her father, Mitch, saw it. Her dad has come to recognize the sharp intakes of breath and sometimes squeaks whenever his daughter wants attention.
She cannot te... READ MORE
Nearly 225 Inches of Gristle
By Mike Handley
An avowed meat hunter made short work of christening his new bow during Iowa’s 2024 archery season, taking home venison with gristle that can be measured in inches.
Knoxville bowhunter Jon Pierce might’ve hoped to connect wit... READ MORE
Hunting Naked, Unintentionally
By Mike Handley
While some people might have nightmares about addressing a full classroom or coworkers while butt-naked, Tony Brown is more apt to dream about facing a distant buck without a grunt call in his possession. Only Tony’s dream actually ha... READ MORE