If You Have To Ask, The Answer is "NO!"
By Ken Piper
We've all heard horror stories of wounded deer, and bowhunters in particular are prone to be the subject of these sad tales. The real statistics show that wounded deer are far less common than stories indicate, but a common theme of many of these stories is that the shooter took an "iffy" shot -- maybe the distance was a little too far or maybe the... READ MORE
Close Your Eyes To See The Light
By Ken Piper
Here's a tip to use when setting up a bow or gun for hunting. When drawing a bow to set a kisser button and/or peep sight, close your eyes before you draw. The same holds when setting up a scope on a gun or when testing stock length -- close your eyes and pull up the gun. It's amazing how many compensations you make when your eyes are open -- and y... READ MORE
Big Bucks Can Hide in Small Places
By Ken Piper
Most hunters tend to look for big bucks in the most remote, nasty and impenetrable places -- and it's certainly true that your odds of taking a bigger buck are better in places other hunters refuse to enter. There are some very successful deer hunters, however, who take record-book bucks using a different tactic with the same principle. Look for sm... READ MORE
Rangefinders: A Hunter's Best Friend
By Ken Piper
In recent years, the proliferation of the laser rangefinder has given hunters a tremendous tool to hunt more responsibly and increase their success. Laser rangefinders give hunters previously unheard-of ability to accurately measure distance to ranges of a half mile or more.
This allows all hunters, whether they shoot rifle, bow or muzzlel... READ MORE
How Much Is Enough?
By Ken Piper
With so many great scent, grunt and rattle products out there, it's tough to figure out the right mix. I mean, how much scent is too much, and how much rattling or grunting, or rattling AND grunting is enough?
The problem is that the answer could be different on any given day -- it's up to the deer. With that in mind, though, it's safe to ... READ MORE
You Can Conquer Buck Fever
By Ken Piper
It's amazing how all those hours and hours of steady-handed practice go out the window when a deer actually appears under your stand. Buck Fever can strike veteran or novice hunters, and the deer doesn't have to be a buck -- but it's certainly more severe and harder to overcome when the deer has antlers on his head.
Experience and time spe... READ MORE
If You Have To Ask, The Answer is "NO!"
By Ken Piper
We've all heard horror stories of wounded deer, and bowhunters in particular are prone to be the subject of these sad tales. The real statistics show that wounded deer are far less common than stories indicate, but a common theme of many of these stories is that the shooter took an "iffy" shot -- maybe the distance was a little too far or maybe the... READ MORE
After the Shot
By Ken Piper
We all put a lot of preparation into having our equipment sighted in and ready. As a community, we hunters have done a great job of educating one another about the importance of making a good, clean shot on our deer. Many of us in the outdoors media have been so focused on that issue that we've forgotten the second part of each successful deer hunt... READ MORE
The Shift
By Ken Piper
This is the time of year when many hunters become frustrated. You did your scouting and you had been seeing deer, but now you are struggling. What happened? First, the deer are probably reacting to hunting pressure. Second, they might be shifting their feeding habits. As acorns and other mast crops become available, and as farm fields are harvested... READ MORE
Warm Weather Deer Care
By Buckmasters
Many archery seasons have begun across the country, and the way the weather has been the past few years, warm temperatures can carry on well into the gun seasons. Proper care of your harvested deer is essential. Buckmasters Online volunteer biologist Dana Johnson says it is critical to get your deer meat cooled down as quickly as possible.
Watch for Unwanted Guests in Treestands
By Buckmasters
Many hunters either leave treestands up from year to year or use permanent stands. When going to check your stand for the first time in a few months, always be prepared for unwanted guests. Bees, ants, spiders, snakes and other critters find treestands even more comfortable than we do, and they will look upon your return as an intrusion.
If you a... READ MORE
Keep 'em Cool
By Buckmasters
This is the time of year when many hunters hesitate to take a deer for the freezer because of the temperature. Indian Summer days can cause a deer to spoil quickly, but there are things you can do to help keep your deer in great eating condition.
First, getting the hide off the meat is ideal because it holds in the heat. If you have a port... READ MORE
Buck Hideouts Come in Small Packages
By Buckmasters
Most hunters expect to find deer in the more remote places where they hunt, but bucks -- and pressured deer in general -- have a knack for finding small hidey-holes where hunters don't look. Small patches of woods, windbreaks and fence rows make great deer hideouts. The deer can see and hear danger coming from far away, and often these locations ke... READ MORE
Think About The Angles
By Buckmasters
Often we get so focused on hitting a certain spot on a deer that we fail to think about the angles. It is important to remember that deer do not usually stand perfectly broadside, and the entry and exit holes of your shot need to be taken into consideration. For example, the archer who shoots at his backyard 3-D deer every day zeroes in on that vit... READ MORE
Use Deer Obstacles to Your Advantage
By Buckmasters
Obstacles, both man-made and natural, can be great deer funnels. Did you ever notice how several deer trails will come together at certain crossings along a stream? How about a fence-crossing? Whitetails tend to pick certain spots to cross or go around these obstacles, and setting up near one of these funnel-points can increase your odds. Just as d... READ MORE
It Won't Be Long Now; It's Time to Tune
By Buckmasters
Whether you use fixed-blade or mechanical broadheads, tuning your bow will make your arrows fly better.If you have access to a paper tuning device, by all means use it.A paper-tuned bow will shoot almost any broadhead with minimal, if any, adjustment. If you can't use a paper tuner, shoot your arrows with a head identical to one you'll be using in ... READ MORE
Thoughts About "The Rut"
By Ken Piper
Most deer hunters today are savvy enough to know that what we call "the rut" is not a one-week period of time when most of the breeding gets done. It is actually a several-month cycle, and we've mistakenly given the peak of that cycle the name for the entire process. In other words, don't confuse "the rut" with "the peak of the rut." Why does this ... READ MORE
Follow The Tracks
By Ken Piper
We all know what deer tracks look like, but it's amazing how many hunters fail to read the clues in tracks. While some hunters are so adept at reading tracks that they can often determine with amazing accuracy when a particular track is left by a mature buck, there are much more simple things the majority of us can learn from tracks, too. Since dee... READ MORE
Don't Be Afraid of a Little Water
By Ken Piper
It's simple but true: If you want to take a big buck, you have to hunt an area that is home to big bucks. While most huntable woods have a big buck or two, the odds aren't in your favor in areas of heavy hunting pressure.
You can hike deep into the big woods to escape hunter numbers, but you'll be far from farm fields that pull deer and you'll hav... READ MORE
Put Some Air Under That Scent
By Ken Piper
Laying down a good scent trail is a great way to bring a buck by your stand or make him stop for a shot. Scent bombs (a generic term for any number of scent-dispensing canisters) can bring in deer as well.When placing scent, keep in mind that the higher you put it, the farther the scent will carry. A deer isn't going to wonder why there is scent up... READ MORE