Big Buck 411 Blog

Public Land Ain't Easy!

Public Land Ain't Easy!

By Ken Piper

It's not that you can't shoot a giant on public land ... but it is rare.

The reasons are what you would expect. First, there are fewer big bucks to be had. Second, there are more hunters trying for those bucks. And third, the intense pressure applied by the extra hunters affects deer movement and behavior.

Some public land tracts offer a better chance than others, however. That can be a result of better habitat and genetics, and/or it can be because some tracts offer big bucks places to hide. Hunters willing to get to know the area and work harder than the average guy often take the better bucks.

Need proof? Consider Tyler Thompson and his friends. Hailing from eastern Kentucky but now living elsewhere, the non-residents meet up back in their home state each year for a hunting reunion in the Daniel Boone National Forest in Owsley County. They've had great success over the years, often taking bucks north of 150 inches.

Tyler and his friends scout hard and hunt hard, so they expect to do well. Last year exceeded even that expectation.

You can read about Tyler's 184 4/8-inch giant in the Fall issue of Rack magazine. But you can drool over the picture here for free.

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