Big Buck 411 Blog

Bucking The Odds

Bucking The Odds

By Ken Piper

Taking a buck north of 200 inches is a rare feat. We call such a deer a buck of a lifetime, although an overwhelming majority of hunters go their entire lives without even seeing such a deer in the woods, let alone taking one. It’s been said your odds of shooting a 200-inch buck are about the same as hitting the lottery.

Hud Baker not only shot a 211-inch buck, he did so with a longbow, and while stalking in a creek, his favorite hunting technique. If the odds are lottery-like for taking a 200-inch buck, I can’t imagine what they are factoring in the longbow and the stalk. It’d be like hitting the lottery twice!

If that wasn’t enough of a challenge, this buck liked to wander. It had been spotted in about a 3-mile radius, and everyone in the area with a license was gunning for it.

It was Hud who finally connected, though, on a chilly day in November of last year.

Read all about this new world record buck in the Winter issue of Rack.

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