Big Buck 411 Blog

Forked Eyeguards, Plural

Forked Eyeguards, Plural

By Mike Handley

If you don’t believe a completely run-of-the-mill whitetail can become a centerfold buck in a mere two years, just ask Scott Meyer. The 38-year-old from Crystal City, Missouri, will soon screw a hanger into the back of all the proof he’ll ever need.

Scott’s father bought a Clark County farm – in the state’s northeastern corner – in 2016. They wasted no time in setting out trail cameras to see what kind of deer the property held.

They collected images of several bucks, including the one Scott would shoot two years later. Back then, however, they paid very little attention to the animal.

It gained lots of inches the following year, though, and one of the sides developed conjoined brow tines. He and his dad found the forked antler the following spring.

The next time the Meyers saw the deer, its antlers had really bloomed, and both brows were split. They began calling the buck Scissors, and he sailed to the top of their Most Wanted list.

Scott’s second outing in 2018 was on Thursday, Oct. 25. The stand he chose was 20 feet up an oak, accessible by ladder sticks. A cedar tree grew alongside it, so close as to naturally brush-in the setup. The vantage point also included a view of a well-traveled deer trail to a cornfield.

With about 10 minutes left in the day, Scissors came to a nearby scrape an 8-pointer had worked a few minutes earlier. On autopilot, Scott wasted no time – except to nudge his misaligned peep sight – in releasing an arrow.

“The scene played out so fast, I didn’t have time to get crazy until afterward,” he said.

Scott’s deer hasn’t been taped for the BTR yet, but it’s among the finest to come out of the Show Me State this year.

— Read Recent Blog! Father-Son Double: Hunter: Shawn Durben | The antlers tallied 195 inches on the Buckmasters scale.

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