Big Buck 411 Blog

Second Chance

Second Chance

By Mike Handley

Few crossbow hunters possess the chutzpah to pass up an unobstructed, 46-yard shot at an unsuspecting buck, especially if the animal is wearing between 200 and 300 inches of antler.

Count Joe Franz among those few.

On Oct. 4, 2014, after weeks of planning and obsessing over the giant whitetail, Joe found himself gawking at the deer and hearing his friend Derek, who was filming the hunt, whisper "Forty-six yards."

Somewhere, a clock ticked.

"Are you comfortable with the shot?" a hopeful Derek persisted.


Joe's heart was pounding, his breathing ragged. Ultimately, he could find only one word: No.

"He was beyond my comfort zone," he later explained. "I've taken some hits - some criticism - for not pulling the (crossbow's) trigger. They're certainly capable of shooting that far. But I wasn't confident or comfortable at that distance.

"Forty yards or closer is best for me," he added.

The buck never got any closer, and it eventually ran off with some does that had been feeding in the same food plot. After it left, Joe had the sinking feeling he'd never see the deer again.

Nine days later, however, he did. And since Joe was carrying his muzzleloader, there was never a question about range. He smoked it.

The fabulous 23-pointer, which has a composite score of 255 inches, is No. 3 for Iowa and No. 6 in the world in the BTR's blackpowder (hard antler) category. It graced the cover of Rack magazine last month.

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