
Fur Taker's Delight

Fur Taker's Delight

By Ralph M. Lermayer

To some, a rifle is a rifle is a rifle. If it hits generally where it’s looking and delivers ample power to put the target in the freezer, it’s good enough. For the majority of big game hunters, that’s pretty much true, but to a fast-growing segment of the hunting community, using just any rifle will eventually cost them results. ...


Recent GunHunter Features

Troubles with Choke Tubes
Troubles with Choke Tubes

By John Barsness

All sorts of things prevent shotgun chokes from doing what we expect of them. Two pheasant hunters stood together, looking down at a creek bottom. A stiff November wind bent the willows and cattails along the creek, places where roosters m... READ MORE

Coming Clean
Coming Clean

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Gun cleaning considerations and tricks beyond the norm. Photo: Complete cleaning kits like this one from Hoppes come with everything you need to keep your guns in top shape. Note the Bore Snake, for one-pass field cleaning If you are one of... READ MORE

One-Shot Group
One-Shot Group

By John Haviland

All the work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet. Make sure it will hit on the mark. Many hunters go on about how tightly their rifles shoot five-shot groups. Well, the real measure of a hunting rifle is how it shoots a one-shot... READ MORE

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