
The Cleaning Dilemma

The Cleaning Dilemma

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Just how much scrubbing does the average rifle or shotgun need? The author feels that many hunters may be cleaning too much. Philosophies on cleaning firearms divide shooters into three categories. First is the crowd that scrubs and cleans to a level that would make a surgeon proud. On the other end are duck guides whose idea of cleaning after a h...


Recent GunHunter Features

Sage Goats With a Slug Gun?
Sage Goats With a Slug Gun?

By Dave Henderson

The author travels to Wyoming to push the envelope of slug gun performance. Photo: An unlikely pairing: the Burris Eliminator Laserscope mounted on a Savage 220F shotgun for hunting open-country game. For a slug shooter, these are uncharted... READ MORE

Can You Buy Shooting Skill?
Can You Buy Shooting Skill?

By Jon R. Sundra

There’s no substitute for practice, but some gear items can improve accuracy. With new technology and new products driving the hunting/shooting market like never before, one has to ask if it’s possible to simply buy competency. ... READ MORE

10 Steps to a Tack Driver
10 Steps to a Tack Driver

By Ron Spomer

Turning a so-so shooter into a MOA rifle might be easier than you think. So you finally bought that rifle you’ve been lusting after all these years. Or maybe you inherited one from your uncle. But it’s not living up to your dayd... READ MORE

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