
Blue Collar Custom

Blue Collar Custom

By Larry Teague

The E.R. Shaw Mark-VII rifle has the options of a custom gun at a working man’s price. Lofty observations are common in articles on custom hunting guns. Shooting writers rave over fancy walnut, fine-line checkering, scroll engraving and other touches that you, the discriminating buyer, can add to make the firearm truly one of a kind. What&rsq...


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Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts
Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts

By Richard Mann

“Just any old rings and bases” can be the wrong choice and the weak link that fails at the most inopportune time. There you stand, rifle in one hand and a riflescope in the other. Since duct tape and baling twine are not option... READ MORE

Chronograph Reliability
Chronograph Reliability

By John Haviland

Many variables can affect velocity readings. Here’s how to set up for best results. Photo: Setting up a chronograph so bullets pass straight and about 6 inches over the top of the photo sensors helps produce precise readings. A chrono... READ MORE

Rifle Weight Balance & Fit
Rifle Weight Balance & Fit

By John Barsness

Got a gun that kicks too hard or just doesn’t feel right? Here are the common problems ... and solutions. Most hunters have a notion of how much a rifle should weigh, but think that balance and stock fit only apply to shotguns. The tr... READ MORE

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