
Overcoming Oversized Rifles

Overcoming Oversized Rifles

By Russell Thornberry

Sometimes even youth-size guns are too large for small children. Part of the author’s solution was to build a custom stock. I don’t believe in pushing young children into deer hunting until they are mature enough and express a desire to go. However, sometimes a child will express a strong desire to hunt before they are very big. Such ...


Recent GunHunter Features

Field Shooting Effectively
Field Shooting Effectively

By Ron Spomer

When your target of opportunity knocks, you need to answer in seconds. Greg was as enthusiastic as an 8-year-old on Christmas morning. His first pronghorn hunt! He had a new .257 Weatherby Magnum with a Zeiss scope that could shoot a countr... READ MORE

Savage Model 25 Lightweight Varmint Rifle
Savage Model 25 Lightweight Varmint Rifle

By Clair Rees

A varminter needn’t be cumbersome to be accurate. One of the most interesting new rifles I’ve seen in recent months is the Model 25 Lightweight Varminter from Savage. It’s a startling departure from the 110 series of rifle... READ MORE

Laser Rangefinder Primer
Laser Rangefinder Primer

By Bob Ross

How laser units work, and why they’ve become indispensable to modern hunters. It was really, really cold out. So cold, the fabric of my daypack froze like a potato chip. So cold, the soda pop in the plastic bottle inside my daypack tu... READ MORE

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