
10 Steps to a Tack Driver

10 Steps to a Tack Driver

By Ron Spomer

Turning a so-so shooter into a MOA rifle might be easier than you think. So you finally bought that rifle you’ve been lusting after all these years. Or maybe you inherited one from your uncle. But it’s not living up to your daydreams, not exactly shooting lights out. Well then, tweak it. More precisely, accurize it. Webster’s does...


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Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts
Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts

By Richard Mann

“Just any old rings and bases” can be the wrong choice and the weak link that fails at the most inopportune time. There you stand, rifle in one hand and a riflescope in the other. Since duct tape and baling twine are not option... READ MORE

Knock ‘Em Flat
Knock ‘Em Flat

By John Haviland

Some shots are better than others for putting big game down quickly. The fallacy that a rifle bullet will knock a deer off its hooves never seems to die. If a bullet did thump a deer that hard, the recoil from such a load would also kick th... READ MORE

Four-Gun Battery for Life
Four-Gun Battery for Life

By Ron Spomer

Choose carefully, and you’ll be equipped to hunt any game anywhere in the world with just a few rifles. So you are a rifle hunter. Welcome to the club. And you’d like to hunt everything all the time? Lucky you. In North America,... READ MORE

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