
Best Scopes for the Buck

Best Scopes for the Buck

By Ron Spomer

Shop carefully, and you can find an inexpensive scope that hangs with you year in and year out. When you raise your rifle at sunset and the scope shows a bright orange haze instead of the buck standing at the edge of the timber, the answer to the question “Did I spend enough on my scope?” is no. The orange haze incident actually happene...


Recent GunHunter Features

Trijicons Are Different
Trijicons Are Different

By Ralph M. Lermayer

It’s dusk of opening day. You’re easing down a forest road or skirting the edge of a field, when, suddenly, you spot movement in a clearing in front of you. Is it a buck? Whatever it is, it knows you’re there. You instinct... READ MORE

Lever-Action Tuneup
Lever-Action Tuneup

By Richard Mann

Easy enhancements for an iconic rifle. With all the new bolt-action and AR-style rifles on the market, you might think hunters have forgotten about lever guns. The lever-action rifle is an iconic American firearm. Thousands of hunters still... READ MORE

Bear Bait
Bear Bait

By Clair Rees

My right leg throbbed with every step as I plowed through the knee-deep snow. Ed Stevenson, my guide, was breaking trail — an exhausting chore we normally shared. I was no longer hunting.  All I could think of was reaching the te... READ MORE

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