Tips & Tactics

5 Keys to Great-Tasting Venison

5 Keys to Great-Tasting Venison

By Kenneth Piper

Bow seasons are in full swing pretty much everywhere, so hopefully you are out getting in some stand time — and that your stand time is productive. With daytime temperatures still on the warm side throughout most of the country, taking proper care of your deer immediately and in the few minutes after recovery is critical to ensuring good-t... READ MORE

Camera Power!

Camera Power!

By Ken Piper

We’re heading into the critical part of deer season, when last-minute information from your trail camera might give you the tip you need to make a move, or to move in, on a particular buck. If you’re using a cellular trail camera, that means changing your settings from uploading one or twice per day to uploading by the hour, or possi... READ MORE

Winning on the Road

Winning on the Road

By Mark Melotik

Is this the year for your first out-of-state deer hunt? Every fall, Minnesota’s Bernie Barringer becomes a whitetail-hunting road warrior, and he’s refined a system for on-the-road success that can benefit other would-be travelers. Barringer, who might be better known as a successful Minnesota black bear outfitter, hunts mostly publi... READ MORE

An Arrow a Day

An Arrow a Day

By Mark Melotik

Many bowhunters who practice shooting all spring and summer tend to shelve their regular tuneups once hunting seasons start. Especially when traveling to hunt out of state without a portable target, it’s an easy trap to fall into. I’ve been guilty of it myself and a have a few horror stories, but these days I make every effort to tote a... READ MORE

4 Bow Stands To Avoid

4 Bow Stands To Avoid

By Mark Melotik

The desire to hunt your best morning and evening stands as soon as the season opens is a temptation few can resist. Unfortunately, it’s typically a mistake. The truth is, the sooner you educate deer to the fact they’re being hunted, the tougher the hunting becomes later on when the rut kicks in and the odds swing back in our favor. I... READ MORE

Speed Scouting with Hunting Apps

Speed Scouting with Hunting Apps

By Mark Melotik

Where will you be hunting come the early season? Some states have already kicked off their deer seasons, and many will follow in the coming weeks. Do you have a solid plan? If you own a hunting app subscription, your smartphone can help lead the way. As many of you know quality habitat and food are two of a whitetail’s greatest needs, and ... READ MORE

Hunting and ATVs: Finding A Balance

Hunting and ATVs: Finding A Balance

By Mark Melotik

Can today’s modern ATVs and side-by-sides help you be a better deer hunter? Or at least be more efficient? Well, they can, but in most cases it comes down to following a set of fairly standard rules in the deer woods. Most of them are centered on one thing: Can your ATV of choice help you access your stand undetected? When it comes to mode... READ MORE

Early Season: Stay In The Game

Early Season: Stay In The Game

By Mark Melotik

Summer is winding down and bow seasons, in some cases, are just days away. Do you have a plan for the opener? If hunting early is your thing, sitting on fresh sign is the way to go, according to Andrae D’Acquisto, founder of Lone Wolf Custom Gear. D’Acquisto, who has bow-bagged recordbook bucks in the dozens, has seen what he believe... READ MORE

Better Broadhead Tuning

Better Broadhead Tuning

By Mark Melotik

A big part of preparing the bow-and-arrow combination you’ve shot all summer for hunting season is tuning that rig to your broadhead of choice. Unfortunately, broadhead tuning continues to be one of the last things on most bowhunters’ minds, but it’s a critical step to better in-the-field accuracy. As opening days approach, now is... READ MORE

Rut Trail Cam Placement

Rut Trail Cam Placement

By Mark Melotik

With summer in high gear, the whitetail rut might seem a long way off, but it’ll be here before you know it. Will you be ready? If you’ve followed our little mini-series of tips on trail camera placement, you know we’ve already covered early summer and late summer strategies. The goal of the next major camera movement on your sele... READ MORE

Nature’s Wind Detector

Nature’s Wind Detector

By Mark Melotik

Late summer is a great time to collect a supply of nature’s wind detector, a useful addition to any hunter’s gear, particularly bowhunters. And it all starts with a simple trip to an overgrown grassy field.   You’re looking for mature milkweed plants that produce distinct, horn-shaped seed pods in late summer. As you ... READ MORE

Covering Ground With Your Crossbow

Covering Ground With Your Crossbow

By Mark Melotik

There are lots of variables when it comes to toting your crossbow afield while hunting, but safety should always be a priority. Let’s consider a couple scenarios that crossbows users encounter regularly. If you’re on the way to your deer stand in the predawn, your crossbow should be uncocked and unloaded, and a smart addition is a slin... READ MORE

Pack An Emergency Bow Repair Kit

Pack An Emergency Bow Repair Kit

By Mark Melotik

The off season is a great time for bowhunters to assemble an emergency repair kit that can thwart some common in-the-field mishaps, and help ensure you’ll make the most of your hunting time this fall. Here are a few of the things I carry with me most every time I travel. Spare Bow After bowhunting for several decades, I’m still am... READ MORE

Make the Most of Mock Scrapes

Make the Most of Mock Scrapes

By Mark Melotik

Most avid deer hunters know mock scrapes are one of the best ways to capture trail camera images of big, rutty bucks, with the height of this annual frenzy typically kicking into high gear beginning in the late pre-rut. Bucks are making and visiting scrapes regularly then, but I believe many hunters, especially bowhunters, fail to fully capitalize ... READ MORE

Prepping For Early Success

Prepping For Early Success

By Mark Melotik

Searing heatwaves in the depths of summer mean one thing to deer-hunting fanatics: We’re creeping ever closer to whitetail season. Better still, the first few days and weeks of the season offer a prime opportunity to ambush a good buck in one of the easiest places to hunt them — field edges. As you might guess, there is much more to ... READ MORE

Late-Summer Camera Placement

Late-Summer Camera Placement

By Mark Melotik

With summer upon us, most trail camera users likely have at least a few cameras in the woods gathering intel. That’s all well and good, but another important trail camera window is approaching quickly. We’ve previously covered early summer strategies, but according to Justin Lanclos of Spypoint, you would be smart to move some of your c... READ MORE

Extend Your Range

Extend Your Range

By Mark Melotik

I got one of my best bow bucks 10 years ago, and while some details of that hunt are now fuzzy, one of the lessons it taught never fades. The takeaway? Extending your effective shooting range can pay huge dividends, and now is the time to get it done. The buck that got me thinking was a heavy, mainframe 10-pointer that I arrowed during the peak ... READ MORE

A Deer-Tracking Breakthrough

A Deer-Tracking Breakthrough

By Mark Melotik

Several years ago I arrowed a brute of an Illinois buck that continues to haunt me today. The haunting aspect stems from the fact that I never recovered that deer, but the experience went a long way toward forming my current thoughts on hiring professional trackers. In short, I’m a huge fan. If things look bleak on your next trail, I recomme... READ MORE

The E-Bike Advantage

The E-Bike Advantage

By Mark Melotik

Serious whitetailers are always looking for ways to make their hunting and scouting more efficient. One great answer? The e-bike advantage. Today’s electronic or e-bikes open up a new world of possibilities for serious deer hunters. Their many advantages include shaving hours or even days off your scouting efforts, and allowing you to access ... READ MORE

Early Summer Trail Camera Strategies

Early Summer Trail Camera Strategies

By Mark Melotik

Spring is fading fast, and whitetail hunters will soon start thinking about a summer staple — trail cameras. To make the most of your early efforts to capture bucks on camera, we tapped some wisdom from longtime deer hunter and trail camera guru Tom Rainey of Browning Trail Cameras. Q.  Lots of whitetail hunters will be getting their ... READ MORE

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