Big Buck Tales

Ronald Ewert Jr. Buck

Ronald Ewert Jr. Buck

By Gary Fahrni

Back in 2000, Ronald Ewert Jr. picked up a shed on the family farm near Leavenworth, Kan., that bewitched him. The misshapen antler sported a foot-long drop tine that more resembled a club. When he learned in 2003 that his neighbor shot a 22-pointer with a drop tine, he was afraid the buck he’d obsessed over was dead. But when Ron finally saw... READ MORE

John Rolfe Buck

John Rolfe Buck

By Brady Smith

Nobody can accuse John Rolfe of being a fair-weather bowhunter. On Nov. 18, 2003, the hunter from Sabina, Ohio, not only braved freezing temperatures and gale-force winds to indulge his passion, but he also stood his ground in a rainstorm – even as the rain flew sideways. “At first, I thought I was an idiot for doing it,” John adm... READ MORE

Mikell Fries Buck

Mikell Fries Buck

By Mike Handley

Mature bucks’ antlers might grow a half-inch or more a day during the spring and summer months, but that doesn’t mean they’ll double in size from one year to the next. After all, unless they’re on the downswing, whitetails have to regrow what was shed (or something similar) before adding mass, length or extra points.That was... READ MORE

Bruce Lane Buck

Bruce Lane Buck

By Bruce Lane

Rather than striking out for my deer stand in the pouring rain on Oct. 31, I crawled back under the covers. The storm was supposed to move out by noon, which meant I could still spend half my Saturday in a tree. I’d hung my stand several months earlier, after spotting a huge whitetail bedded on a brushy hillside. The buck’s travel route... READ MORE

Green Campbell Buck

Green Campbell Buck

By Mike Handley

If 14-year-old Green Campbell had been given a choice on Oct. 20, 2007, he would’ve gladly given up his ringside seat to one of the most dramatic college football games of the year. When he retrieved the 200 images from his first-ever trail camera that Saturday morning, which was exciting enough, he came across three shots of an unbelievable... READ MORE

Shawn Sears Buck

Shawn Sears Buck

By Ted Rose

On opening day of the 1990 firearms deer season, Shawn Sears was up early enough to get to his favorite treestand before daylight. He had no idea that this foggy, cool morning would produce a lifelong memory and a prominent place in the deer hunting record books. Shawn explained that he had been hunting for a number of years with a bow. He had bee... READ MORE

Richard Gates Buck

Richard Gates Buck

By Peter Schoonmaker (2008)

The existence of a trophy whitetail is no accident. They possess superior genes. They are surrounded by bountiful nutrition. And their realm possesses several varieties of protective cover. Limited access or private agricultural lands will allow a buck to achieve full body growth and possess a true trophy rack of antlers. And some of these whitetai... READ MORE

Ryan Cox Buck

Ryan Cox Buck

By Mike Handley

Neither nature’s call nor a need for fuel caused Ryan Cox to suddenly veer off the highway and pull into the nearest gas station on Oct. 16. The 18-year-old from Eagleville, Mo., was on his way back to Columbia from St. Louis, where he’d gone to look at a truck for sale, when his brother, Kris, sent him a photograph via cell phone. The ... READ MORE

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