All They Can Eat
By Bob Humphrey
Feeding deer isn’t as simple as dumping out bags of protein. QUESTION: I’ve started feeding deer store-bought protein feed, but I’m looking to cut down the cost. I’m wanting to mix my own feed, but I’m not sure what is best to mix and how to calculate the nutritional factors. What would you suggest? I know genetics pla... READ MORE
I need this like...
By Bob Humphrey
Fibromas aren’t always a big problem, but this one is. QUESTION: I was wondering if you’d ever seen this or knew what it was. I called the city rangers, and they got the deer, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I’m in New Brunswick, Canada. ANSWER: At the risk of sounding somewhat unprofessional, that’s... READ MORE
Ducking the Issue
By Bob Humphrey
Yes, whitetails jump or duck the string. It’s a fact. QUESTION: Last year, I had a good shot opportunity at a deer with my bow, but I missed. I practice a lot and was sure my aim was dead on. When I mentioned it to a buddy, he said maybe the deer jumped the string. It was about 35 yards away and not moving. Is this possible? ANSWER: Many bowh... READ MORE
Numbers Game
By Bob Humphrey
Have you ever wondered how tag numbers are determined? QUESTION: My state is proposing a 40% increase in doe tags this year. That seems like a lot. How do they decide how many to give out? ANSWER: Wildlife managers take many things into account when determining harvest goals. One is population status in relation to population objectives. If they be... READ MORE
New in Town?
By Bob Humphrey
It takes a few weeks for deer to get used to a new ground blind. QUESTION: I want to put a ground blind on one of my food plots for this fall. How far ahead of season should I set it up? ANSWER: As a general rule of thumb, the sooner, the better. Unlike turkeys, deer need time to get used a something new and different. Obviously, you have to balanc... READ MORE
Ticket to Paradise
By Bob Humphrey
Even small food plots can help deer through times of need. QUESTION: I want to plant a summer food plot. I live in central Georgia. What is your recommendation for a half-acre? ANSWER: It’s difficult to get too specific without more information, but I’ll offer a general suggestion or two. Summer is a critical time for protein in a deer&... READ MORE
When HD Is Bad
By Bob Humphrey
HD is great for televisions, but not so much for white-tailed deer. QUESTION: Last summer I got a trail cam picture of a doe with floppy ears. I’ve never seen this before. Any idea what’s wrong with this deer? ANSWER: It’s difficult to say without more information, but there are a few things that suggest at least one possibility. ... READ MORE
Radioactive Camouflage?
By Bob Humphrey
It’s pretty incredible how different light affects how we, and deer, see. QUESTION: I found this picture of me on my trail camera. The picture looks like my hunting clothes are glowing while my buddy’s are not. You can’t tell from the picture, but I’m actually wearing camouflage. Would a deer see my camo the same way? ANSWER... READ MORE
He’s Just a Kid!
By Bob Humphrey
Aging deer is always a guess, but it’s an educated guess. QUESTION: I would be interested to know your estimate on the age of the whitetail in this photo. ANSWER: We generally shy away from “age this deer” questions for fear of opening up the floodgates, but here goes: There are several keys that can help us narrow down the possibilities. Relativel... READ MORE
I Need This Like ...
By Bob Humphrey
Have you ever noticed little holes in the skull of a buck? QUESTION: Do you know what could have caused these holes in a buck skull? I don’t believe it’s from an abscess. – Justin Y. ANSWER: The skulls of deer, and all mammals for that matter, have holes called foramena that allow structures like nerves and blood vessels to pass t... READ MORE
Hair Club for Deer
By Bob Humphrey
Our biologist considers the different factors that contribute to a buck’s coloring. QUESTION: I am curious why some deer have a different color toupee. For example, we hunt a private track of land in Illinois. All of the deer taken over the years have had the typical grey face/toupee. I got a deer this year with an orange toupee. This buck ha... READ MORE
Doe, Rei, Oh My!
By Bob Humphrey
There aren’t very many does in the record books, but here’s one. QUESTION: I recently shot a hard-antlered doe in Monroe County, Ohio. It is a 16-pointer with a Buckmasters score of 173. I was wondering what causes does to grow antlers. Also, do they rub and shed hard antlers like a regular buck? ANSWER: Antlered does are rare, although... READ MORE
Wait, There’s More!
By Bob Humphrey
Don’t put away your scent-killing spray after hunting season. You might need it. QUESTION: I knocked a lid off my doe-in-heat scent in my back seat of my truck. It just reactivates when I shampoo, as it will in the wild when it rains. Is there any way to get the smell out? ANSWER: I’ve experienced a somewhat similar situation that actua... READ MORE
Scared To Death
By Bob Humphrey
You’ll need a good detective to solve this mystery. QUESTION: My father once brought home a doe he had taken. It had no wounds anywhere, but there was one small drop of blood coming out of the doe’s ear. We assumed he must have perfectly shot it through one ear and out the other. After mentioning it to other hunters, they said that a de... READ MORE
Devil Deer!
By Bob Humphrey
If you see shining red eyes, should you run? QUESTION: On my way to my stand one morning this last season, I saw a deer in my head lamp. The deer’s eyes were red. I’m 68 years old and have been hunting since I was 16. I’ve never seen a deer eyes shine red at night. Is there an explanation for this?– Daniel V. ANSWER: The eye... READ MORE
That Theory Stinks
By Bob Humphrey
New hunters take note: Don’t judge a deer by its droppings. QUESTION: I’m still new to deer hunting, but some of the more experienced guys I hunt with claim they can tell the sex of a deer from its droppings. They say small pellets are from does and fawns while large clumps are from a buck. Is there any truth to this? ANSWER: No. The shape and cons... READ MORE
When In Rome
By Bob Humphrey
Whitetail behavior sometimes depends on regional conditions like weather. QUESTION: I live in Minnesota, and it seems like the colder it gets, the more deer move. This fall I traveled south to hunt in Alabama. They had a cold snap with temperatures in the 20s, and it seemed like the deer stopped moving. Why was it different? ANSWER: The two most li... READ MORE
Red Snow
By Bob Humphrey
Hunter seeks answer to strangely colored deer urine. QUESTION: I’ve been out hunting for shed antlers and seen several spots where the deer pee looks red and bloody. It’s well after the rut, and I’m wondering if you can answer why this deer urine is this color? –Daniel ANSWER: I, too, have observed this, although I never really bothered to re... READ MORE
Mystery Rack
By Bob Humphrey
Son seeks history of unexpected find after the passing of his father.
QUESTION: My father recently passed away, and I was sorting through his belongings when I came across a set of antlers that I didn’t know he had. I never knew of him hunting outside Oklahoma. However, he did travel to Arizona once a year to preach at a youth camp. I’... READ MORE
Too Much of a Good Thing
By Bob Humphrey
Is there such a thing as too many bucks, especially spikes? QUESTION: I have 480 acres, and we only shoot mature bucks at least 3 1/2 years old. I don’t set a point rule because I think you should age a deer by the body size, not the antlers. I have noticed that during the current deer season, we are seeing more than the normal numbers of you... READ MORE