
The Reliable R1

The Reliable R1

By Larry Teague

Most hunters know Benelli for its semiauto shotguns, but there’s a dependable big game gun in the lineup. Not all Texas deer hunting involves taking animals attracted to feeder corn or shooting monster bucks behind high fences. There are no feeders and few blinds on the 25,000-acre Stasney’s Cook Ranch near Albany, in the north-central...


Recent GunHunter Features

Evolution of the .22
Evolution of the .22

By Ralph M. Lermayer

The .22 rimfire reigns supreme for controlling pests and filling the stew pot. It was conceived as a parlor game, a way for cooped-up people to amuse themselves, by tipping over little targets with a round not powerful enough to do any dama... READ MORE

Fur Taker's Delight
Fur Taker's Delight

By Ralph M. Lermayer

To some, a rifle is a rifle is a rifle. If it hits generally where it’s looking and delivers ample power to put the target in the freezer, it’s good enough. For the majority of big game hunters, that’s pretty much true, bu... READ MORE

Return of the Bolt-Action Slug Gun
Return of the Bolt-Action Slug Gun

By Dave Henderson

Turnbolt shotguns are the hottest tickets in slug gun shooting today. Photo: Savage bolt actions have a reputation for outstanding accuracy. Among deer hunters in the shotguns-only environs of rural New York a half-century ago, it was commo... READ MORE

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