
Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance

Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance

By Ron Spomer

Fierce competition among scope makers is improving quality and driving down prices. When it comes to inexpensive riflescopes, there’s good news and bad. The bad news is there's worthless junk out there, scopes that will cost you a shot. Scopes that will fog, leak, break or transmit such a blurred image as to be worse than open sights. The g...


Recent GunHunter Features

Fur Taker's Delight
Fur Taker's Delight

By Ralph M. Lermayer

To some, a rifle is a rifle is a rifle. If it hits generally where it’s looking and delivers ample power to put the target in the freezer, it’s good enough. For the majority of big game hunters, that’s pretty much true, bu... READ MORE

Mossberg’s New Lever Action
Mossberg’s New Lever Action

By Clair Rees

The Model 464 is a classic reborn. With so many semiauto tactical rifles introduced over the last few years, it was refreshing to see O.F. Mossberg & Sons resurrect a style many consider out of fashion. The company’s Model 464 lev... READ MORE

Sure Cures for Wrong-Eye Dominance
Sure Cures for Wrong-Eye Dominance

By Ralph M. Lermayer

There is a surprisingly large number of people with eye complications, the kind of problems that make the act of shooting a rifle awkward or near impossible. The most commonly affected shooters are those who are right-handed but left-eye do... READ MORE

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