
Can You Buy Shooting Skill?

Can You Buy Shooting Skill?

By Jon R. Sundra

There’s no substitute for practice, but some gear items can improve accuracy. With new technology and new products driving the hunting/shooting market like never before, one has to ask if it’s possible to simply buy competency. The answer is yes you can, and no you can’t. A case can be made for both. When guns and hunting really b...


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Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance
Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance

By Ron Spomer

Fierce competition among scope makers is improving quality and driving down prices. When it comes to inexpensive riflescopes, there’s good news and bad. The bad news is there's worthless junk out there, scopes that will cost you a sh... READ MORE

Quick Accuracy Fixes
Quick Accuracy Fixes

By John Haviland

Sometimes new rifles don’t shoot as well as we’d like, or worse, a previously dependable rifle goes off its feed. Operator error is often the culprit with a rifle that throws bullets across a target like a slingshot flinging roc... READ MORE

Pick Your Performance Range
Pick Your Performance Range

By Richard Mann

A hunter wanting to push the limits of long-range shooting with more room for error needs a flat-shooting rifle. Remington’s .300 Ultra Mag, launching a 180-grain bullet at over 3,200 feet per second, is one of the flattest-shooting c... READ MORE

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