
The Slug Gun King

The Slug Gun King

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Ithaca’s Deerslayer is back, and this one in 20 gauge shoots as well as the original. One would think that when a large percentage of the hunting public wanted a product, all of the manufacturers would trip over themselves to provide it, especially in today’s competitive firearms market. Well, factor this: Thirty-five percent of the hu...


Recent GunHunter Features

DIY Cumberland Deerslayer
DIY Cumberland Deerslayer

By J. Wayne Fears

You, too, can put together a special rifle for the area you hunt. Photo: The author’s Cumberland Deerslayer was designed for tough mountain hunting in the Southeast. It was the hike from hell. To get into the mountainous fold of land ... READ MORE

Predator Calling Setup
Predator Calling Setup

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Electronic callers make predator hunting easy. Here’s where to set up and what firepower to bring for success. The introduction and rapid acceptance of wireless remote-controlled electronic callers has moved predator hunting from a sp... READ MORE

Stock Options
Stock Options

By Ron Spomer

Got an inaccurate rifle? Maybe it’s time for a different handle. Photo: One of the most unusual stocks on any rifle is this weird combination of walnut and metal on the Browning Buck Mark Rifle, a conversion from an autoloading pistol... READ MORE

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