
Savage Model 25 Lightweight Varmint Rifle

Savage Model 25 Lightweight Varmint Rifle

By Clair Rees

A varminter needn’t be cumbersome to be accurate. One of the most interesting new rifles I’ve seen in recent months is the Model 25 Lightweight Varminter from Savage. It’s a startling departure from the 110 series of rifles the company has produced for more than a half-century. Highly successful because of its accuracy and low cos...


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Bolt Basics
Bolt Basics

By Richard Mann

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Ranch Rifle Redux
Ranch Rifle Redux

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The ideal coyote rifle? How about an accurate, easy-carrying carbine that shoulders quickly? Song dogs don’t always give you a standing shot, so a rifle that delivers fast follow-up shots would be great. When Ruger’s Mini-14 cam... READ MORE

Bust Claybirds on a Budget
Bust Claybirds on a Budget

By Clair Rees

Shotgunning is more art than science. That’s painfully obvious when you hunt quail, ducks, pheasants or any other upland birds. Carefully aim a shotgun as you do a rifle, and you’ll miss every time. Even if birds rained from th... READ MORE

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