
Bust Claybirds on a Budget

Bust Claybirds on a Budget

By Clair Rees

Shotgunning is more art than science. That’s painfully obvious when you hunt quail, ducks, pheasants or any other upland birds. Carefully aim a shotgun as you do a rifle, and you’ll miss every time. Even if birds rained from the sky every time you touched a shotgun trigger, wingshooting skills deteriorate without practice. Pre-season ...


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Knock ‘Em Flat
Knock ‘Em Flat

By John Haviland

Some shots are better than others for putting big game down quickly. The fallacy that a rifle bullet will knock a deer off its hooves never seems to die. If a bullet did thump a deer that hard, the recoil from such a load would also kick th... READ MORE

Bear Bait
Bear Bait

By Clair Rees

My right leg throbbed with every step as I plowed through the knee-deep snow. Ed Stevenson, my guide, was breaking trail — an exhausting chore we normally shared. I was no longer hunting.  All I could think of was reaching the te... READ MORE

Laser Rangefinder Primer
Laser Rangefinder Primer

By Bob Ross

How laser units work, and why they’ve become indispensable to modern hunters. It was really, really cold out. So cold, the fabric of my daypack froze like a potato chip. So cold, the soda pop in the plastic bottle inside my daypack tu... READ MORE

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