
Bust Claybirds on a Budget

Bust Claybirds on a Budget

By Clair Rees

Shotgunning is more art than science. That’s painfully obvious when you hunt quail, ducks, pheasants or any other upland birds. Carefully aim a shotgun as you do a rifle, and you’ll miss every time. Even if birds rained from the sky every time you touched a shotgun trigger, wingshooting skills deteriorate without practice. Pre-season ...


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Remington’s Rabbit Rifle Supreme

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Are Wildcats Worth It?
Are Wildcats Worth It?

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Eight Ways to Save on Ammo
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By Ron Spomer

Practice always costs something, but not practicing can cost you success. Ammunition today isn’t just expensive — it’s scarce. Last March, our Cabela’s store looked like old Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. The ammo ... READ MORE

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