Land Management

Win The Food Plot Weed Wars

Win The Food Plot Weed Wars

By Kent Kammermeyer

Well, you thought you did everything right. Let's see, got that soil test, applied recommended lime and fertilizer, plowed vigorously and prepared a smooth seedbed, inoculated the legumes, carefully broadcast your seed, covered lightly and prayed for rain. Okay, then why are you standing here now and looking at an ugly patch of weeds choking out yo...


Patriot White Clover (Trifolium repens)

Patriot White Clover (Trifolium repens)

By Kent Kammermeyer

By now everyone in the deer and turkey worlds has heard of Durana clover and many of them have already planted it. This new Pennington clover is a productive powerhouse clover that is highly competitive in a mixed stand with perennial grasses, weeds or other aggressive plants when managed properly. Patriot white clover is a lesser known but anothe...


Recent Land Management Articles

Do Serious Deer Hunters Need Food Plots?
Do Serious Deer Hunters Need Food Plots?

By Kent Kammermeyer

Here is a quick quiz to see if you need to read this article: Does your hunting property lack row crop agriculture (corn, soybeans, alfalfa) either within the property or around it? Has all previously existing row crop agriculture been conv... READ MORE

Patriot White Clover (Trifolium repens)
Patriot White Clover (Trifolium repens)

By Kent Kammermeyer

By now everyone in the deer and turkey worlds has heard of Durana clover and many of them have already planted it. This new Pennington clover is a productive powerhouse clover that is highly competitive in a mixed stand with perennial grass... READ MORE

Anchor Food Plots With Clovers
Anchor Food Plots With Clovers

By Kent Kammermeyer

Four-wheeler, treestands, camouflage, scents and rifles are all really important tools to help us harvest bucks. However, one of the most important deer management tools is often ignored, downplayed or totally left off the serious hunter's ... READ MORE

Browse Exclosures are Necessary
Browse Exclosures are Necessary

By Kent Kammermeyer

What do you mean, you can't tell what time it is without a clock? How much rain did you get last month? Don't have a rain gauge? How long could you go without a gas gauge in your vehicle? How much deer use is there on your food plots? Get t... READ MORE

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