
Brush Shots

Brush Shots

By John Haviland

One good shot is all you’re apt to get in the thick stuff. Make it count. Despite all the tales of shooting game from one mountain top to the next, the bulk of big game hunters’ shots are at close range in thick cover. Shots in the brush are often more difficult to make than deliberate long-range shots. Branches reach out like a catche...


Recent GunHunter Features

Sauer’s Elegant 303
Sauer’s Elegant 303

By Jon R. Sundra

The 303 is a masterpiece of metal machining. In many ways, the bolt-action rifle is an anachronism. It’s been around since the late 1830s and hasn’t really changed much since the definitive Mauser of 1898. Indeed, if we were to ... READ MORE

Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts
Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts

By Richard Mann

“Just any old rings and bases” can be the wrong choice and the weak link that fails at the most inopportune time. There you stand, rifle in one hand and a riflescope in the other. Since duct tape and baling twine are not option... READ MORE

Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance
Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance

By Ron Spomer

Fierce competition among scope makers is improving quality and driving down prices. When it comes to inexpensive riflescopes, there’s good news and bad. The bad news is there's worthless junk out there, scopes that will cost you a sh... READ MORE

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