
Make It Shoot

Make It Shoot

By Dave Henderson

Is your rifle shooting better patterns than groups? Here are the most common problems — and fixes. Brand-new rifle. Well, it’s new to you, and a dandy — a Remington Model 700 BDL in great condition. The price was steep, but the week’s pay was worth it. Add rings, a scope, a couple of boxes of ammo, and you’re ready for...


Recent GunHunter Features

Advanced Scope Mounting
Advanced Scope Mounting

By John Barsness

Prevent ring damage and range problems by following these tips. Many shooters think scope mounting is simple. Just tighten a few screws, and the job is done, right? Well, there’s a little more to it than that. All too often, a new sco... READ MORE

Rimfire Glass
Rimfire Glass

By Richard Mann

How much magnification is best for small-game hunting? “Don’t scrimp on a rimfire riflescope; it is likely the scope you’re going to use the most.” That’s good advice from Pat Mundy, markeing communcations mana... READ MORE

Stock Options
Stock Options

By Ron Spomer

Got an inaccurate rifle? Maybe it’s time for a different handle. Photo: One of the most unusual stocks on any rifle is this weird combination of walnut and metal on the Browning Buck Mark Rifle, a conversion from an autoloading pistol... READ MORE

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