
Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance

Cheap Scopes, High-Dollar Performance

By Ron Spomer

Fierce competition among scope makers is improving quality and driving down prices. When it comes to inexpensive riflescopes, there’s good news and bad. The bad news is there's worthless junk out there, scopes that will cost you a shot. Scopes that will fog, leak, break or transmit such a blurred image as to be worse than open sights. The g...


Recent GunHunter Features

Are You Using Too Much Scope?
Are You Using Too Much Scope?

By Clair Rees

Winter was setting in along the Utah-Colorado border. It was two days before Thanksgiving, and I was slogging slowly through a foot of snow blanketing the Dolores Triangle. I’d drawn a late-season permit for the area. Hunting had been... READ MORE

Bear Bait
Bear Bait

By Clair Rees

My right leg throbbed with every step as I plowed through the knee-deep snow. Ed Stevenson, my guide, was breaking trail — an exhausting chore we normally shared. I was no longer hunting.  All I could think of was reaching the te... READ MORE

What’s a Magnum?
What’s a Magnum?

By Jon R. Sundra

The line between standard and magnum cartridges has long been blurred. There was a time when the term “magnum” was fairly well defined. I’m talking back in the ’60s and ’70s when the word pretty much meant a ca... READ MORE

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