
This Thing Called Eye Relief

This Thing Called Eye Relief

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Perhaps no part of a riflescope’s specifications is less understood than eye relief. Many hunters don’t have a clue what their pet scope’s eye relief is, nor do they care. As long as they can bring Ol’ Betsy to the shoulder and instantly find hair in the scope, it’s perfect. Eye relief is the distance from the rear le...


Recent GunHunter Features

7 Cartridges that Never Made the Grade
7 Cartridges that Never Made the Grade

By Ralph M. Lermayer

In the rush to own the latest hunting rounds, we all too often pass by some great performers that have been with us for decades. Who are you going to ask to the prom, the prettiest gal in school or the one whose father has the best deer hun... READ MORE

Coping With Wind Drift
Coping With Wind Drift

By Ron Spomer

One of the more common bits of advice to shooters is “Allow a little for the wind.” Most of us know the wind will blow a bullet off course. Most of us don’t know how, why or how far. Any of us planning on shooting much bey... READ MORE

Knock ‘Em Flat
Knock ‘Em Flat

By John Haviland

Some shots are better than others for putting big game down quickly. The fallacy that a rifle bullet will knock a deer off its hooves never seems to die. If a bullet did thump a deer that hard, the recoil from such a load would also kick th... READ MORE

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