
Advanced Scope Mounting

Advanced Scope Mounting

By John Barsness

Prevent ring damage and range problems by following these tips. Many shooters think scope mounting is simple. Just tighten a few screws, and the job is done, right? Well, there’s a little more to it than that. All too often, a new scope runs out of clicks before bullet holes appear anywhere near the center of the target. And sometimes the adj...


Recent GunHunter Features

Make It Shoot
Make It Shoot

By Dave Henderson

Is your rifle shooting better patterns than groups? Here are the most common problems — and fixes. Brand-new rifle. Well, it’s new to you, and a dandy — a Remington Model 700 BDL in great condition. The price was steep, bu... READ MORE

Finding the Sweet Spot
Finding the Sweet Spot

By Ron Spomer

The right bullet at the right seating depth can shoot like a house afire. Pardon the personal question, but how deep is your seat? This has nothing to do with furniture or your personal deep-seated convictions. It has everything to do with ... READ MORE

The Perfect Rifle
The Perfect Rifle

By Jon R. Sundra

Planning for the next hunting gun never gets old. Photo: The 7mm WSM from Montana Rifle Co., a near clone of the Model 70, represents the author’s current ideal hunting rifle. Jon also has a nearly identical model and two other simila... READ MORE

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