
What’s a Magnum?

What’s a Magnum?

By Jon R. Sundra

The line between standard and magnum cartridges has long been blurred. There was a time when the term “magnum” was fairly well defined. I’m talking back in the ’60s and ’70s when the word pretty much meant a cartridge more powerful than normal and was usually based on the belted Holland & Holland case. In fact, in ...


Recent GunHunter Features

Bear Bait
Bear Bait

By Clair Rees

My right leg throbbed with every step as I plowed through the knee-deep snow. Ed Stevenson, my guide, was breaking trail — an exhausting chore we normally shared. I was no longer hunting.  All I could think of was reaching the te... READ MORE

Savage Model 25 Lightweight Varmint Rifle
Savage Model 25 Lightweight Varmint Rifle

By Clair Rees

A varminter needn’t be cumbersome to be accurate. One of the most interesting new rifles I’ve seen in recent months is the Model 25 Lightweight Varminter from Savage. It’s a startling departure from the 110 series of rifle... READ MORE

Smokin’ White-Hot Hogs
Smokin’ White-Hot Hogs

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Muzzleloading pellets from IMR prove their worth on call-happy pigs in South Texas. I own two FoxPro electronic predator calls. Actually, truth be known, I own one and my wife, Laura, owns the other. Last September, I was invited on a hog h... READ MORE

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