
Trijicons Are Different

Trijicons Are Different

By Ralph M. Lermayer

It’s dusk of opening day. You’re easing down a forest road or skirting the edge of a field, when, suddenly, you spot movement in a clearing in front of you. Is it a buck? Whatever it is, it knows you’re there. You instinctively shoulder your rifle. In the blink of an eye, you must locate, identify, evaluate and center the target t...


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The Perfect Rifle
The Perfect Rifle

By Jon R. Sundra

Planning for the next hunting gun never gets old. Photo: The 7mm WSM from Montana Rifle Co., a near clone of the Model 70, represents the author’s current ideal hunting rifle. Jon also has a nearly identical model and two other simila... READ MORE

Eight Ways to Save on Ammo
Eight Ways to Save on Ammo

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Practice always costs something, but not practicing can cost you success. Ammunition today isn’t just expensive — it’s scarce. Last March, our Cabela’s store looked like old Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. The ammo ... READ MORE

5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing
5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing

By Clair Rees

Every shooter needs good hearing protection. Here’s what’s available. If your hair is turning white or mostly gone, you may remember two of the most famous handgunners of the 20th century. Elmer Keith, an Idaho cowboy turned gun... READ MORE

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