
Sure Cures for Wrong-Eye Dominance

Sure Cures for Wrong-Eye Dominance

By Ralph M. Lermayer

There is a surprisingly large number of people with eye complications, the kind of problems that make the act of shooting a rifle awkward or near impossible. The most commonly affected shooters are those who are right-handed but left-eye dominant. Although these shooters instinctively mount a rifle or shotgun to the right shoulder, their left eye i...


Recent GunHunter Features

Bolt Basics
Bolt Basics

By Richard Mann

Working a bolt correctly can save the day — and your hide. Sustained fire with a bolt-action rifle can be almost as fast as what can be obtained with a semiautomatic rifle. If that statement surpises you, you’re not alone. Sever... READ MORE

Safe Sense
Safe Sense

By Richard Mann

Are your guns safe from boogeymen, fire and kiddies? For a gun owner, the question should not be “Do I need a safe?” It should be “Which safe should I get?” Hunters are often hesitant to spend money on a gun safe. ... READ MORE

Shotgun Choke Designations
Shotgun Choke Designations

By John Haviland

Other factors besides choke constriction influence pattern size, and only through testing can you learn how a load performs in your gun. Just because your shotgun choke is labeled modified doesn’t mean it will shoot a modified pattern... READ MORE

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