
What’s a Magnum?

What’s a Magnum?

By Jon R. Sundra

The line between standard and magnum cartridges has long been blurred. There was a time when the term “magnum” was fairly well defined. I’m talking back in the ’60s and ’70s when the word pretty much meant a cartridge more powerful than normal and was usually based on the belted Holland & Holland case. In fact, in ...


Recent GunHunter Features

How to Read a Ballistics Chart
How to Read a Ballistics Chart

By Ron Spomer

All those columns, numbers and abbreviations become clear as you explore. The majority of hunters are not ballistics experts. Nor do they have to be. Some of the most successful hunters know nothing more about rifles than which cartridge to... READ MORE

10 Steps to a Tack Driver
10 Steps to a Tack Driver

By Ron Spomer

Turning a so-so shooter into a MOA rifle might be easier than you think. So you finally bought that rifle you’ve been lusting after all these years. Or maybe you inherited one from your uncle. But it’s not living up to your dayd... READ MORE

The Forgotten .264 Win Mag
The Forgotten .264 Win Mag

By Richard Mann

This 50-year-old round has .270 Win power and even better long-range performance. For the most part, the .264 Winchester Magnum has gone the way of the pet rock, but as a young hunter growing up in West Virginia, I always wanted a rifle in ... READ MORE

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