
Bolt Basics

Bolt Basics

By Richard Mann

Working a bolt correctly can save the day — and your hide. Sustained fire with a bolt-action rifle can be almost as fast as what can be obtained with a semiautomatic rifle. If that statement surpises you, you’re not alone. Several years back, I conducted a test with different rifle actions and shooters. I used a timer to record how long...


Recent GunHunter Features

Sauer’s Elegant 303
Sauer’s Elegant 303

By Jon R. Sundra

The 303 is a masterpiece of metal machining. In many ways, the bolt-action rifle is an anachronism. It’s been around since the late 1830s and hasn’t really changed much since the definitive Mauser of 1898. Indeed, if we were to ... READ MORE

Quick Accuracy Fixes
Quick Accuracy Fixes

By John Haviland

Sometimes new rifles don’t shoot as well as we’d like, or worse, a previously dependable rifle goes off its feed. Operator error is often the culprit with a rifle that throws bullets across a target like a slingshot flinging roc... READ MORE

Chronograph Reliability
Chronograph Reliability

By John Haviland

Many variables can affect velocity readings. Here’s how to set up for best results. Photo: Setting up a chronograph so bullets pass straight and about 6 inches over the top of the photo sensors helps produce precise readings. A chrono... READ MORE

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