
The Hunter’s Glass

The Hunter’s Glass

By Ralph M. Lermayer

A practical hunter’s guide to riflescopes, binoculars and rangefinders. The subject of optics for hunters is one that gets a lot of press. Rightfully it should, since our choice of scopes, binoculars and now rangefinders can literally determine the success of a hunt. The choices are endless, as each manufacturer extols the virtues of its part...


Recent GunHunter Features

Federal’s Triple-Range Turkey Load
Federal’s Triple-Range Turkey Load

By J. Wayne Fears

New shotshell solves the problem of taking “surprise” gobblers that show up unannounced and ultra-close. It has happened to most spring gobbler hunters at one time or another: You are set up, and from out of nowhere a gobbler st... READ MORE

The Cleaning Dilemma
The Cleaning Dilemma

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Just how much scrubbing does the average rifle or shotgun need? The author feels that many hunters may be cleaning too much. Philosophies on cleaning firearms divide shooters into three categories. First is the crowd that scrubs and cleans... READ MORE

Play It Safe with Your Muzzleloader
Play It Safe with Your Muzzleloader

By Sam Fadala

Hunting with blackpowder firearms isn’t inherently dangerous, but a little safety savvy is required. Accidents always happen to “the other guy.” Or do they? Sometimes that other guy is one of us. Take the man who was kille... READ MORE

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