
Brush Shots

Brush Shots

By John Haviland

One good shot is all you’re apt to get in the thick stuff. Make it count. Despite all the tales of shooting game from one mountain top to the next, the bulk of big game hunters’ shots are at close range in thick cover. Shots in the brush are often more difficult to make than deliberate long-range shots. Branches reach out like a catche...


Recent GunHunter Features

Care and Cleaning of Binos
Care and Cleaning of Binos

By Ron Spomer

A hunting binocular is a bit like a hunting dog. You have to take care of it to get top performance. Fortunately, binos are more easily trained in basic obedience like sit and stay. Lay one on a stump, and it’ll stay there through ra... READ MORE

Return of the Bolt-Action Slug Gun
Return of the Bolt-Action Slug Gun

By Dave Henderson

Turnbolt shotguns are the hottest tickets in slug gun shooting today. Photo: Savage bolt actions have a reputation for outstanding accuracy. Among deer hunters in the shotguns-only environs of rural New York a half-century ago, it was commo... READ MORE

Pick Your Performance Range
Pick Your Performance Range

By Richard Mann

A hunter wanting to push the limits of long-range shooting with more room for error needs a flat-shooting rifle. Remington’s .300 Ultra Mag, launching a 180-grain bullet at over 3,200 feet per second, is one of the flattest-shooting c... READ MORE

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