
Trijicons Are Different

Trijicons Are Different

By Ralph M. Lermayer

It’s dusk of opening day. You’re easing down a forest road or skirting the edge of a field, when, suddenly, you spot movement in a clearing in front of you. Is it a buck? Whatever it is, it knows you’re there. You instinctively shoulder your rifle. In the blink of an eye, you must locate, identify, evaluate and center the target t...


Recent GunHunter Features

Coping With Wind Drift
Coping With Wind Drift

By Ron Spomer

One of the more common bits of advice to shooters is “Allow a little for the wind.” Most of us know the wind will blow a bullet off course. Most of us don’t know how, why or how far. Any of us planning on shooting much bey... READ MORE

Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts
Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts

By Richard Mann

“Just any old rings and bases” can be the wrong choice and the weak link that fails at the most inopportune time. There you stand, rifle in one hand and a riflescope in the other. Since duct tape and baling twine are not option... READ MORE

A Wild Hog Sledgehammer
A Wild Hog Sledgehammer

By J. Wayne Fears

The stout .45-70 cartridge is bad medicine for big pigs. Photo: Winchester recently reintroduced the modern .45-70 Model 1886. It’s a dandy. Few calibers available to the wild hog hunter have a more colorful history than the .45-70 Go... READ MORE

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