
Nosler Custom Model 48

Nosler Custom Model 48

By Jon R. Sundra

This step down from the Custom Limited Edition is a semi-production gun offered in 10 chamberings. Mention the name Nosler to any hunter in the world, and it immediately elicits a mental image of bullets, particularly the Nosler Partition on which the company was founded and built its reputation. It all started in 1948 in a small building behind J...


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Using Real Blackpowder
Using Real Blackpowder

By John Barsness

Myths and misconceptions about the original gunpowder abound. Why would anyone want to use old-time blackpowder, when there are so many cleaner-burning blackpowder substitutes on the market? Heck, some muzzleloading rifles can even use smok... READ MORE

Ranch Rifle Redux
Ranch Rifle Redux

By Clair Rees

The ideal coyote rifle? How about an accurate, easy-carrying carbine that shoulders quickly? Song dogs don’t always give you a standing shot, so a rifle that delivers fast follow-up shots would be great. When Ruger’s Mini-14 cam... READ MORE

Troubles with Choke Tubes
Troubles with Choke Tubes

By John Barsness

All sorts of things prevent shotgun chokes from doing what we expect of them. Two pheasant hunters stood together, looking down at a creek bottom. A stiff November wind bent the willows and cattails along the creek, places where roosters m... READ MORE

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