
The Slug Gun King

The Slug Gun King

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Ithaca’s Deerslayer is back, and this one in 20 gauge shoots as well as the original. One would think that when a large percentage of the hunting public wanted a product, all of the manufacturers would trip over themselves to provide it, especially in today’s competitive firearms market. Well, factor this: Thirty-five percent of the hu...


Recent GunHunter Features

Advanced Scope Mounting
Advanced Scope Mounting

By John Barsness

Prevent ring damage and range problems by following these tips. Many shooters think scope mounting is simple. Just tighten a few screws, and the job is done, right? Well, there’s a little more to it than that. All too often, a new sco... READ MORE

The 7-30 Waters
The 7-30 Waters

By J. Wayne Fears

Great First Deer Caliber for Youngsters! The offspring of the .30-30 has mild recoil, and is effective on whitetails out to 200 yards. The cabin door opened with authority as my 13-year old grandson Justin walked in. It was his first time ... READ MORE

5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing
5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing

By Clair Rees

Every shooter needs good hearing protection. Here’s what’s available. If your hair is turning white or mostly gone, you may remember two of the most famous handgunners of the 20th century. Elmer Keith, an Idaho cowboy turned gun... READ MORE

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