
Don’t Sell the .308 Win Short

Don’t Sell the .308 Win Short

By John Barsness

The .308 is a superb whitetail round, but don’t believe it’s too puny for elk, pronghorns, black bears or plains game. Whenever hunters gather around a campfire to discuss big-game cartridges, you’ll hear talk about the .270 Winchester versus the .30-06, some chatter about the 7mm Rem Mag,  .300 Win Mag, .300 Weatherby Mag an...


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Let Your Subconscious Be Your Guide
Let Your Subconscious Be Your Guide

By John Haviland

You look up to see a pheasant coming. In a flash, it’s going to cross right in front of you. Are you going to take that second to think about swing, angles and lead, or are you going to just shoot? “Shotgun shooting is all about... READ MORE

Ranch Rifle Redux
Ranch Rifle Redux

By Clair Rees

The ideal coyote rifle? How about an accurate, easy-carrying carbine that shoulders quickly? Song dogs don’t always give you a standing shot, so a rifle that delivers fast follow-up shots would be great. When Ruger’s Mini-14 cam... READ MORE

Belly Down for Accuracy
Belly Down for Accuracy

By Clair Rees

Prone isn’t the fastest shooting position – nor is it always practical, but it’s by far the steadiest. Photo: When shooting from prone in mountain country, a backpack adds steadiness. It was a wild, exhausting stalk. Guide... READ MORE

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