
10 Steps to a Tack Driver

10 Steps to a Tack Driver

By Ron Spomer

Turning a so-so shooter into a MOA rifle might be easier than you think. So you finally bought that rifle you’ve been lusting after all these years. Or maybe you inherited one from your uncle. But it’s not living up to your daydreams, not exactly shooting lights out. Well then, tweak it. More precisely, accurize it. Webster’s does...


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Fur Taker's Delight
Fur Taker's Delight

By Ralph M. Lermayer

To some, a rifle is a rifle is a rifle. If it hits generally where it’s looking and delivers ample power to put the target in the freezer, it’s good enough. For the majority of big game hunters, that’s pretty much true, bu... READ MORE

A High-Tech .45-70
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Best Scopes for the Buck
Best Scopes for the Buck

By Ron Spomer

Shop carefully, and you can find an inexpensive scope that hangs with you year in and year out. When you raise your rifle at sunset and the scope shows a bright orange haze instead of the buck standing at the edge of the timber, the answer ... READ MORE

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