
The Slug Gun King

The Slug Gun King

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Ithaca’s Deerslayer is back, and this one in 20 gauge shoots as well as the original. One would think that when a large percentage of the hunting public wanted a product, all of the manufacturers would trip over themselves to provide it, especially in today’s competitive firearms market. Well, factor this: Thirty-five percent of the hu...


Recent GunHunter Features

7 Cartridges that Never Made the Grade
7 Cartridges that Never Made the Grade

By Ralph M. Lermayer

In the rush to own the latest hunting rounds, we all too often pass by some great performers that have been with us for decades. Who are you going to ask to the prom, the prettiest gal in school or the one whose father has the best deer hun... READ MORE

Ballistic Balance
Ballistic Balance

By Richard Mann

How to sort out which load offers the most  balance for your hunting rifle. Balance is important in everything, even in hunting firepower. A ballistically balanced load offers the most power and the flattest trajectory with the least a... READ MORE

Legacy of the ’98 Mauser
Legacy of the ’98 Mauser

By Jon R. Sundra

Can you think of any 19th century product still being made and used today? Such is the genius of Peter Paul Mauser’s M98. Photo: One of the finest examples of the Mauser ’98 was the 1909 contract built at the DWM factory for the... READ MORE

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