
Know Your Limitations

Know Your Limitations

By Chub Eastman

Don’t attempt a shot in the field you haven’t practiced at the range. Photo: Life-size targets are a good alternative to 5-gallon buckets for determining maximum effective range. A small herd of elk was feeding along a logging road winding up a ridgeline more than a half-mile distant. In the bunch was a raghorn bull surrounded by a half...


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Trijicons Are Different
Trijicons Are Different

By Ralph M. Lermayer

It’s dusk of opening day. You’re easing down a forest road or skirting the edge of a field, when, suddenly, you spot movement in a clearing in front of you. Is it a buck? Whatever it is, it knows you’re there. You instinct... READ MORE

A Most Popular Magnum
A Most Popular Magnum

By John Haviland

All hail the 7mm Rem Mag — king of the .284 bores. The 7mm Remington Magnum is the most bought, shot and hunted-with magnum cartridge, despite the continuous introduction of other magnum rounds intended to capture some of its appeal. ... READ MORE

Chronograph Reliability
Chronograph Reliability

By John Haviland

Many variables can affect velocity readings. Here’s how to set up for best results. Photo: Setting up a chronograph so bullets pass straight and about 6 inches over the top of the photo sensors helps produce precise readings. A chrono... READ MORE

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