
Laser Rangefinder Primer

Laser Rangefinder Primer

By Bob Ross

How laser units work, and why they’ve become indispensable to modern hunters. It was really, really cold out. So cold, the fabric of my daypack froze like a potato chip. So cold, the soda pop in the plastic bottle inside my daypack turned to slush. So when I looked out into the cornfield about 3 p.m. and saw the big white-tailed buck scraping...


Recent GunHunter Features

One-Shot Group
One-Shot Group

By John Haviland

All the work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet. Make sure it will hit on the mark. Many hunters go on about how tightly their rifles shoot five-shot groups. Well, the real measure of a hunting rifle is how it shoots a one-shot... READ MORE

Sight-in Your Rifle With Six Shots
Sight-in Your Rifle With Six Shots

By J. Wayne Fears

A penny pincher’s guide to zeroing a scoped hunting gun. Riflescopes are sensitive optical instruments. Just sitting in a gun safe during the off-season can result in the crosshairs moving due to temperature or other environmental cha... READ MORE

Six Rules of Glassing
Six Rules of Glassing

By Ron Spomer

Good glass and proper technique are the keys to locating game. Photo: A straight eyepiece is not comfortable for use over long periods. It forces one to bend the neck and shoulders to see through it. Every serious hunter has a binocular. Qu... READ MORE

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