
Ranch Rifle Redux

Ranch Rifle Redux

By Clair Rees

The ideal coyote rifle? How about an accurate, easy-carrying carbine that shoulders quickly? Song dogs don’t always give you a standing shot, so a rifle that delivers fast follow-up shots would be great. When Ruger’s Mini-14 came along, I thought I had my answer. I got my hands on a Ruger Mini-14 not long after the neat-looking .223 aut...


Recent GunHunter Features

Care and Cleaning of Binos
Care and Cleaning of Binos

By Ron Spomer

A hunting binocular is a bit like a hunting dog. You have to take care of it to get top performance. Fortunately, binos are more easily trained in basic obedience like sit and stay. Lay one on a stump, and it’ll stay there through ra... READ MORE

Knock ‘Em Flat
Knock ‘Em Flat

By John Haviland

Some shots are better than others for putting big game down quickly. The fallacy that a rifle bullet will knock a deer off its hooves never seems to die. If a bullet did thump a deer that hard, the recoil from such a load would also kick th... READ MORE

Rimfire Glass
Rimfire Glass

By Richard Mann

How much magnification is best for small-game hunting? “Don’t scrimp on a rimfire riflescope; it is likely the scope you’re going to use the most.” That’s good advice from Pat Mundy, markeing communcations mana... READ MORE

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