
Federal’s Triple-Range Turkey Load

Federal’s Triple-Range Turkey Load

By J. Wayne Fears

New shotshell solves the problem of taking “surprise” gobblers that show up unannounced and ultra-close. It has happened to most spring gobbler hunters at one time or another: You are set up, and from out of nowhere a gobbler steps into view at 15 yards. It’s now or never, so you take aim and pull the trigger. At the sound of the ...


Recent GunHunter Features

Six Rules of Glassing
Six Rules of Glassing

By Ron Spomer

Good glass and proper technique are the keys to locating game. Photo: A straight eyepiece is not comfortable for use over long periods. It forces one to bend the neck and shoulders to see through it. Every serious hunter has a binocular. Qu... READ MORE

Predator Calling Setup
Predator Calling Setup

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Electronic callers make predator hunting easy. Here’s where to set up and what firepower to bring for success. The introduction and rapid acceptance of wireless remote-controlled electronic callers has moved predator hunting from a sp... READ MORE

Whatever Happened to Walnut?
Whatever Happened to Walnut?

By Jon R. Sundra

Beautiful in color and grain, walnut is the most traditional material for stocking a sporting rifle. Photo: High-grade guns like this Sauer 303 are traditionally stocked in fancy grades of walnut, such as this example of Turkish origin. Wal... READ MORE

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